Community Services

Let's talk accessibility...

Remember the last time you asked for something? For me, it was my morning coffee! This is probably something we never think about. For over 1.1 million Australians with a communication impairment (approx 5% of the population), the everyday, becomes difficult. It has a serious impact on their daily life.

People with communication impairment can suffer frustration, anger, embarrassment or grief as they try to communicate their needs, ideas and opinions.

Communication impairment is an 'invisible disability'. It may not be immediately obvious that someone has difficulty communicating. In my experience as a Speech Pathologist, businesses often do not know how to appropriately and sensitively support a person with a communication impairment.

I want this to change!

Participation is the WHY of my speech pathology career. If I can't help a person participate in their world, then I'm not doing it right. However, participation is a two way street and businesses can do their part to ensure everyone has access. I provide education and solutions to assist businesses in becoming accessible to people with communication impairments. This is an individualised service focused on building accessibility into the ethos of your company.

This can include:

Staff education on communication impairments

Developing resources for your company (i.e. easy read)

Accessibility auditing

Creating employment opportunities

Create a space that everyone can enjoy